Who is KneesOverToesGuy? — Ben Patrick’s Principles for Life
Who is KneesOverToesGuy?
When most athletes get injured, they play the victim game…
Internally, they grow resentful and angry with their circumstance. They lose confidence. They lose their childlike drive for competition. They revert to plan B. They settle for a common lifestyle.
Although the physical feats of Ben Patrick (KneesOverToesGuy) may seem super human, let it be known that he is a human being. Ben has experienced those same negative thoughts and feelings just like the rest of us.
However, unlike the rest of us, at Ben’s darkest moment… he did something different.
He defined his purpose: he dedicated his life to figuring out how to solve the problem of knee pain.
Since that day, with a clear purpose in mind, Ben has thought more about knees than anyone on the planet. He has personally helped thousands of people achieve knee success stories. As well, through the exponential aid of social media, plus his loyal fans who tell everyone they know about his product, and a powerful mastermind coaching group… he has helped millions of others reduce their pain.
In just over a decade, Ben Patrick has turned the nickname of “Old Man” (given to him by his high school basketball teammates)… into world famous, “KneesOverToesGuy”.
The “Bulletproof Knee Genius” who spends his time producing high value content, pushing sleds on the high way, walking backwards with his son on his chest, loving his wife and family, and personally training celebrities and some of the most elite athletes in the world.
KEY LESSON: Ben Patrick is not an overnight success story.
Ben is always shouting, “Success Leaves Clues”.
He is no outlier to this rule.
The Top 10 Secrets for Success detailed below, are Ben’s cheat codes for the game of life.
These “secrets” are the codes, principles, philosophies, and life standards that Ben has adopted and applied throughout his hero’s journey towards success.
These “Patrick Principles”, as I call them, are the underlying frameworks which have turned Ben Patrick into one of the most confident, in control, and grateful human beings I have ever met.
Who Am I?
After joining the Athletic Truth Group (ATG) For Coaches program in March of 2021, I began studying Ben’s work religiously.
At the rate he pumps out content, I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up to his present day videos (:
After 9 months of study, my conclusion is that Ben’s ATG training system is one of the most innovative and important projects on the planet.
This project will retain its value for as long as humans exist.
What could be more important than solving the problem of pain and suffering?
I cannot put into words the magnitude of gratitude I feel for the opportunity to study this revolutionary work.
I clearly think very highly of this system.
And yet, I can honestly say…
Ben Patrick’s standards for living life have impacted me 10x more than his standards for strength training.
In studying, understanding, and applying the following “Patrick Principles”…
I have gone from unconfidently sulking in my unhealthy body… to enthusiastically pursuing radical health and ATG “bulletproofing standards”.
I have gone from depressed and utterly controlled by negative thoughts and emotions, to grateful and in control of my thoughts and emotions.
I have gone from alone, to connected.
I can’t thank Ben and the ATG community enough for sharing this message with the world.
To the reader, I sincerely hope that the following principles help you achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve in your life (:
Without further ado…
The Hall of Fame: Ben Patrick’s Top 10 Secrets For Success (The Patrick Principles)
1. No Excuses Ever For Anything
Find the Reason Not To Make An Excuse
According to Ben, there are 99 reasons to make an excuse. Your job is to find the reason not to.
In this short youtube video, Ben explains why this is his #1 rule for life.
Complaint = Lie
When you complain about your circumstances, you play the victim game. Every complaint you speak is a lie to the universe… and the universe doesn’t like when you lie to it.
Take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Challenge yourself to go 24 hours without complaining.
In this clip from the London Real Podcast, Ben attempts to answer the question: “What’s your biggest challenge right now?”
2. You Get What You Put Your Energy Into (Karma)
The Universal Karmic Energy Law
Ben has a few names for this one…
1) “Ask for more engagement, get more engagement”
2) “Every second spent not working towards your goals, is telling the universe…“I DON’T WANT MY GOALS”.
In this podcast with Keegan Smith (Ben’s mentor), Ben discusses his perspective of the Karmic Energy Law.
Money Comes Back
For Ben, money is to fuel freedom. He believes it is his duty to earn and give back.
In a later clip of the same podcast with Keegan, Ben discuses the idea of giving his energy and resources back to his local community.
3. Love and Confrontation Win Over The Long Run
Gradual and Patient Approach
Ben says…
“When you avoid confronting ANY area of your life, you may not feel the heat today, but you are creating a ticking time bomb that can EXPLODE much worse later on!”
He explains this concept in metaphorical terms on the Hyrbid Calisthenics Podcast.
Here, Ben offers some of the most genuine life advice I’ve ever heard.
The Universe Thanks Confrontation
Confront and handle your problems, and the universe will thank you.
In another beautiful conclusion, Ben shares his beliefs about why, over the long run, slow confrontation always wins.
4. Integrity and Respect Above Everything
Hold Onto Your Integrity
Ben takes things to the extremes in order to hold onto his integrity.
In this video, Ben explains that in order to hold onto his integrity, and not become “influencer”, he does not turn on ad money on his YouTube channel.
In the conclusion of this video, Ben explains why he does not profit off of any of the products he recommends on his equipment list.
Love the Other Guy
Ben says that because humanities ultimate game is getting along… we should “Love the other guy”.
Whether the “other guy” is your competition, your father, your wife, etc… there should be no need to degrade or spread hate in the world.
Even when talking about Joel Seedman (the antithesis of KneesOverToes training), Ben is able to speak in a way that does not degrade him whatsoever.
Why? Because according to Ben, no one wins an argument. By nature, arguing solidifies the opponent’s argument against you.
5. Find the Reason
Let It Go
When an obstacles comes your way, quickly find the reason for why it happened, take the lesson, and let it go.
I cannot find the link to this one, but as the story goes…
A few years back, Ben was scammed by a marketing agency he had been working with to help grow on social media.
In seconds, he lost the 25,000 followers and was forced to restart.
In only a few more seconds, he was already laughing about it…
Up or Down
In this video about Knee Essentials, Ben relates knee pain to his understanding of this principle. He says…
“In life you’re either going up, or you’re going down… there is no staying exactly the same.”
6. Truth is Inclusion, Not Exclusion
The Truth Is Inclusion
Simply put: the truth is not going to be excluding something.
At the beginning of Ben’s recent ATG Summit presentation, he explains how the following “inclusion based” quote from Charles Poliquin was the foundation for the entire ATG system.
“The athlete who’s knee can go farthest and strongest over the toes, has the least chance of knee pain and knee injury.”
And World vs. Or World
Don’t create “Or” situations where you advance one thing and ignore the other. “Or” situations will create problems in your future.
Instead, figure out how you can create something that allows both sides to come out on top.
Here’s a video, where Ben explains why the long term exclusion (Or World), is dangerous.
7. Spiritual Enjoyment Has No Limit
Money Gets Limited
Ben says…
“I’ve known billionaires… money gets limited. Spiritual enjoyment has no limit…”
This quote comes from this video (another one of my favorites).
Here’s a link to the end where he talks about spiritual enjoyment.
You Can’t Cheat Happiness
In this podcast with The Foot Collective, Ben says that even if you successfully cheat the system for financial gain, you won’t be able to cheat your own internal happiness.
8. The Closer We Get To The Truth, The Simpler Things Get
Diet is Simple
In this podcast with the Paul Saladino (Carnivore M.D), Ben talks about how a simple diet list can simplify your life.
Equipment is Simple
Here, Ben explains how he mainly uses simple and very cheap products on his equipment list.
Overcoming Pain is Simple
In this old podcast with Jackson J Fit, Ben explains that you can simplify the process of overcoming pain… by learning to train absorption, instead of focussing on output.
9. Life Is An Experiment
Let Experimentation Build the Product
In this podcast with the Foot Collective, Ben discusses his idea of experimentation in life.
No Entertainment Challenge
By creating challenges, and observing his own life as an experiment… Ben has been able to create his own “luck” and reach levels of genius and creativity that his competition simply can’t keep up with.
In this article, Ben talks about the No Entertainment Challenge that he has conducted over the last few years.
10. Life’s A Game — Dream Big
Personal Transformation
This is Ben’s 5 step plan to personal transformation:
- Find a game you’ll enjoy playing.
- Be willing to look for the truth.
- Be willing to live your truth.. and live it ballsy (don’t be afraid to be a clown).
- Be willing to carry it out (get results for yourself and others).
- Be willing to have enough compassion to love the other guy throughout your journey.
Goal Setting
I’d like to conclude the Top 10 Patrick Principles with a short story…
I met Ben Patrick a few months ago.
After a long day of training the public at the Mark Bell ATG seminar, a group of ATG coaches were chatting in the Westin hotel lobby. As I chatted with a friend, I noticed Ben walk towards me. We hadn’t spoke 1–1 the entire weekend. I entered the conversation extremely excited to ask him the long list of deep questions that had been burning in my mind over the previous 9 months of studying his work…
When I asked him the first question, he looked at me and said…
… “What are your Goals?”.
I was caught off guard.
At the time, I didn’t have much to say.
When I came home from the trip, I listened to this podcast episode on repeat.
In this episode, Ben explains his simple 4 step plan for achieving a goal.
The podcast ends with him saying…
“Aim high… It’s a numbers game… The more of us that fight for positive goals, the more we all win.”
Get In Contact with KneesOverToesGuy:
Train in his system for $49.50 (with your first month for $20.22):
Join ATG for Coaches 100$ (Learn all the secrets behind his system and connect with ATG coaches across the world):
KneesOverToesGuy Links for Further Research
All KneesOverToesGuy Podcast Appearances on Youtube:
Keegan Smith (Ben the NBA Coach)
Mr. Infinity (Mental Toughness)
Muscle For Life with Mike Matthews
KneesOverToesGuy Social media links:
Honorable Mentions: 5 Bonus Principles
11. There is a Solution for Everything
Believe There Is a Solution For Everything
This is how Ben approaches problems.
Ben says that society clearly does NOT have it all figured out. Everything that could be known is NOT known.
The #1 barrier to learning and improvement is assuming you or society has already figured it out.
Create, Don’t Debate
Create the solutions you wish existed.
There are people out there being told the wrong advice. If you have solutions, it is your duty to get them out to the world.
12. Duty to Serve
Wake Up Everyday With Duty in Mind
Your duty as a human is to serve others. If you’re not serving others, you’re not doing your duty.
Everyday starts and ends with duty. As a trainer, Ben asks himself every morning, “How can I get a win for someone today?”
Put pressure on yourself to ensure you fulfill your duty.
Make Videos Based on Duty
Ben’s videos are basically organized as… “this can help you” “this can help you”…
He says he has notes on his laptop that say… “HELP HARDER”.
13. Gratitude When Gassed
Walking Gratitude
Ben was in chronic knee pain for 10 years. He says without this gratitude principle, he would not have made it through the struggle.
Every morning he would find the place in his heart to be grateful that he had legs to walk. He’d realize that some people didn’t have that luxury.
To this day, if ever he’s feeling sluggish, he uses gratitude to fire himself up.
Give Credit First
Ben is always expressing gratitude and giving credit to the people who have allowed him to achieve success. This video is a prime example of this.
I noticed this philosophy while listening to him speak in person at the Mark Bell ATG seminar.
Notice the way Ben addresses Mark after being introduced.
14. Relationship Advice
Work With Others
Ben says that if you operate under scarcity, you’re limiting your potential.
The simple truth is that teamwork makes the dream work.
In the conclusion of this video, he shares his life philosophy of working WITH his mentors.
Marriage Advice
Want to succeed in marriage?
The simple truth is to not get divorced.
Finding someone who believes in you will make this much easier.
15. Mental Toughness Recipe
Sleds and Other Methods
On this podcast, Mr. Infinity and Ben discuss the recipe for building Mental Toughness.
On this kneesovertoes podcast, Ben talks about his story with mental toughness.
2022 ATG Challenge
Ben recently decided to challenge the ATG coaches and the ATG members to a similar challenge to the one described in principle #9’s No Entertainment article.
If you’d like to follow along, you can learn about the 2022 ATG Challenge in this short video.
If you’ve read this far, please remember that you have a duty to find your game and serve others.
You have the opportunity to develop your own life principles. You don’t have to be a mini Ben Patrick.
However, it is an interesting thought experiment…
What if everyone in the world applied the Patrick Principles?
If this article gave you any value, please share it with your friends, family, and anyone else who you think could use more positivity and knee bulletproofing in their life.
I love you ATG Fam.
If I had to choose my personal favorites… I would choose #1, #9, and #15.
This is because in early April, I was at a rough spot with my health.
I was sitting in my room, watching one of Ben’s videos… and I was exposed to a new way of living. “The No Entertainment Lifestyle”. The exact part of the video is linked right here. The next day, I committed to Ben’s “No Entertainment” challenge. I committed to stick to it until the day that I became, what Ben calls, “bulletproof”.
Since then, the quality of my life has 10x’d in what feels like every single category. I am 10x stronger, 10x more emotionally stable, 10x more connected with the ATG community, 10x more excited for my future…
Because this challenge has impacted me so strongly, I gave a presentation to the ATG Coaches Community about it here. If you’re interested, this is a full article version of the presentation
Thanks Again (: